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IBEX featured in Entrepreneur Magazine – If You Treat Diversity Training as a Checkbox, Your Company Will Suffer by Tiffany Delmore GUEST WRITER Co-founder of SchoolSafe Companies pour billions of dollars into training every year, but are they training in the right areas? Recent figures put the size of the workplace-training market in the U.S. at nearly $170 billion, with expenditures in that market topping $80 billion. Many businesses focus on training for areas with [...]

IBEX featured in Entrepreneur Magazine – How These Minority Founders Got Tech Execs to Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are by Kimberly Zhang GUEST WRITER Chief Editor of Under30CEO When it comes to diversity, tech companies talk a big game. Their spending, however, tells a different story. Late last year, Melinda Gates and McKinsey & Company released a report on how tech firms spend their philanthropic dollars. What they discovered is that barely 5 percent of [...]

UPMC Partners with IBEX to Increase Supplier Diversity

3/12/2019 PITTSBURGH – UPMC and Atlanta-based IBEX IT Business Experts have teamed up to create technology that aims to increase the use of diverse suppliers by UPMC and other health care companies that adopt this solution. IBEX is an African-American, woman-owned IT solutions and delivery firm.  “At UPMC, we’re committed to growing and supporting our diverse base of suppliers, [...]